B block Ranking No.7
1997.07.06 170cm / 49.0kg LOCATION:Tokyo BIRTH PLACE:Ingolstadt, Germany
Dear voters,
beeing part of these event and walking along the japanese world heritage temple for representing the collection of VETUDA, means personally very much to me. The project is strong connected to japanese traditional culture and the designer of VEDUTA reflects it back in a modern way through the modernized kimono. I travelled the first time in my live at latenight alone out of Tokyo to reach Nagoya at midnight. It been an adventure and i appriciate to the team, that i could have the last chance to join as the last participant for this final round.I see this event as an step forward to get back into my creative roots. While i took this journey, i was sitting in the train and strongly believing that this been the right choice. it reminded me to my first flight to Japan, while not knowing what oppurtunitys might come across my life.
This event gives me the motivation to believe into my dreams, to stay brave and to not give up. no matter how hard it might be. Whereever the journey might bring me, if i have the chance and ability, I also wish to bring japanese and german culture closer through an creative project and give an vision to people who might struggling to get back to their creative roots. I'm very thankfull for every vote. I feel very proud if i could join this project on the final event and beeing part of the final catwalk show at the Japanese world heritage temple. I appreciate your voting.
Sincerely, Vanessa Luisa
days hours min sec
Let's vote for the scenery drawn by all the models!