
Miran Nanae

A block Ranking No.5

553 Votes
ENTRY No.17 Miran NanaeENTRY No.17 Miran Nanae

Miran Nanae

1991.07.11 166cm / 48.0kg LOCATION:Saitama BIRTH PLACE:Saitama, Japan

Nice to meet you all. My name is Miran Nanae. I don't just want to be a mannequin to dress up clothes, but I want to be a model that can express myself as a part of the work, creating a synergistic effect by combining my own personality with the work created by the designer. I felt that I had something in common with myself in the fashion and music that arranged kimonos, and the Japanese themed show, and I wanted to create a work through this fashion show. I am looking forward to delivering a new Japan created by VEDUTA from the runway at the historic place of Hieizan Enryakuji.

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