

  1. DentoLIVE

Welcoming two girls from Ukraine as ambassadors
A prayer for world peace on the runway of Hieizan Enryakuji Temple

In the words "light up a corner" of Dengyo Daishi Saicho, who opened Hieizan Enryakuji Temple,
it contains the idea that each person will be enriched and that everyone will co-create a peaceful and bright world.
We believe that cultural development goes hand in hand with peace,
and since this project is also intended to brighten up the next generation,
we decided to welcome Anzhelika and Vlada, girls who moved to Japan due to the situation in Ukraine,
as ambassadors of Dento LIVE as symbols of world peace and Dento.
The dream of becoming a model in their home country continues on the runway of Mt. Hiei Enryakuji,
and we pray for world peace through this fashion show.

Quote: CBC Documentary YouTube Channel



У мене дуже довга історія як ми потрапили у Японію.24 лютого на Україну напали. 25 лютого ми виріши що для мене та моєї сім’ї буде найкраще поїхати у Польщу щоб пересидіти війну.26 лютого ми виїжджали у Львів на кордон із Польщею, ми думали що швидко приїдемо туди , але не все так сталося як ми запланували. До кордону ми добиралися 4 доби, нам було дуже страшно і неспокійно на душі.Ми вже хотіли вертатися додому. Але на 4 добу у нас розрядився другий двигун у машині. Ми дуже переживали. Ми поїхали до блок посту і нам сказали що це дуже важливо тому нас пропустили. У Польщі ми були приблизно місяць і зрозуміли що ситуація в Україні не покращується а погіршується.Ми прийняли рішення летіти у Японію.Коли у нас вже були квитки на літак до Японії мамі сказали що мого брата неможуть пропустити ,через те що у паспорті його не вписали і я полетіла одна. Я дуже переживала, тому що це був мій перший самостійний політ, але завдяки Англійській мові я справилася. Коли я прилетіла в Токіо мене зустріла моя тьотя. Я була дуже щаслива що її побачила.Я дуже вдячна Японії що вона прийняла мене. Також дуже вдячна усім хто допомагає нам.Дякую модельному агенству Central Japan.І школі Nagoya International School за те що мене прийняли в школу.Я дуже сумую за своїми рідними та друзями, але що не робиться ,то робиться до кращого.Дякую за вашу важку роботу.

Once I came to Japan I was very moved by how good Japanese people are. We received a lot of help from both ordinary people, Japanese government and NPOs. The kimono show brings my dream to become model closer. I hope I will be able to learn Japanese, study in international school and at the same time become a model in Japan. I wish everybody who also had to leave Ukraine and come to Japan - to have peaceful life here, study Japanese and hope that the war in Ukraine will end soon. Thank you for everyone who is helping us!

English translation

There is a very long story about how we ended up in Japan. On February 24th Ukraine was attacked. On February 25th, my family and I decided that it was best to go to Poland to survive the war, and on February 26th we left for Lviv on the Polish border. It happened exactly as we planned. It took me 4 days to reach the border and I was so scared and restless I already wanted to go home.However, on the fourth day, the car's second engine blew. I was very worried. We went to the checkpoint and were told it was very important so they let us through. We decided to fly to Japan. When we already had a plane ticket to Japan, my mother sent my brother I was told they wouldn't let me in. He wasn't on the passport and I flew alone so go. I was very worried because it was my first solo flight, but I managed to get through it thanks to my English. When I arrived in Tokyo, my aunt greeted me. I am very grateful to Japan for accepting me. I am also very grateful to all the people who help us. I am grateful to the model agency Central Japan and Nagoya International School for accepting me. I miss my family and friends.

Once I came to Japan I was very moved by how good Japanese people are. We received a lot of help from both ordinary people, Japanese government and NPOs. The kimono show brings my dream to become model closer. I hope I will be able to learn Japanese, study in international school and at the same time become a model in Japan. I wish everybody who also had to leave Ukraine and come to Japan - to have peaceful life here, study Japanese and hope that the war in Ukraine will end soon. Thank you for everyone who is helping us!


Війна показала хто є справжнім другом України. Японія прихистила евакуйованих українців та надала змогу вільно розвиватися та насолоджуватися життям.
Особисто я завжди мріяла пов’язати своє життя зі світом моделінгу. Японія надала мені все потрібне для цього і я рада що можу розвиватися як модель в цей складний для всіх час. Я дуже вдячна всім людям які брали участь у створенні цього заходу. В тей день для мене відкрилися двері в світ справжнього моделінгу. Окремо висловлюю свою щиру подяку стилістам та візажистам, які постійно слідкували за нашим зовнішнім виглядом та піклувалися про наше самопочуття.
Насамперед я хочу сказати що я сумлінно ставлюсь до кожної поставленої задачі й мрію щоб в майбутньому моя модельна кар’єра стрімко йшла в. Ще раз дякую всім Arigatou gozaimasu!!! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!!

English translation

The war showed who is a true friend of Ukraine. Japan sheltered the evacuated Ukrainians and gave them the opportunity to freely develop and enjoy life. Personally, I always dreamed of connecting my life with the world of modeling. Japan provided me with everything I needed for this and I am glad that I can develop as a model in this difficult time for everyone. I am very grateful to all the people who participated in the creation of this event. That day, the door to the world of real modeling opened for me. Separately, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the stylists and make-up artists who constantly monitored our appearance and took care of our well-being.
First of all, I want to say that I am conscientious about every task and dream that my modeling career will rapidly progress in the future. Thanks again everyone Arigatou gozaimasu!!! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!!

Belonging office


We are very honored to have Anzhelika and Vlada, who belong to our company, recommended as ambassadors for this project.

This event, which will be held from a new perspective that has never been seen before, is very significant as it creates and further develops new Japanese culture, and we can't wait to see how it will affect various industries from here.

Anzhelika and Vlada, who are Ukrainians,
Anzhelika and Vlada, who are Ukrainians, have a strong desire to study modeling in Japan, where they have been evacuated, in order to fulfill their future dreams. They are human resources who can be expected to have future potential as models, and we decided to manage them with the desire to help them as much as possible.

For them, who were forced to evacuate to Japan while their home country is currently facing great difficulties, this experience is very valuable in understanding Japan, and also we believe that they will leave a big footprint in their lives.

VEDUTA Representative/Creative Director


What we want to express in the fashion that we create is "benevolence."
Accepting and loving others is important and builds peace.
US civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. said. "Love is the only force that can turn an enemy into a friend." As in the word "light up a corner" that Saicho, who founded Enryakuji Temple on Mt. Hiei, continues to convey, wealth is born when everyone works hard in their respective fields and contributes to the world, and there is no reason to fight to steal wealth from others. I believe that this is the spirit of "Wa", which has been the spiritual pillar of Japan since ancient times. I would like to devote all my energy to saving the innocent Ukrainian people who have been victimized in the field of fashion. Appearing models with roots in various countries will color this peace fashion show on one stage and one team. I hope that this one drop will lead to an answer and have ripples in Japan and the world.

ARTORY Inc. CEO, Dento LIVE Producer/General Director


I would like to thank Anzhelika and Vlada for being the ambassadors for this project, and I would also like to thank Central Japan for their constant support.
Strangely enough, Nagoya International School, which accepted both of them, is also my alma mater, and I feel a connection with this opportunity. I am very happy that the stage we create, which shares the same school culture, can be realized as one "Dento".
While I feel the heartache of them who have had experiences that cannot be put into words in their home countries, I also think that there is a thought that can be conveyed to the world because they are. Through this project, we would like to work together so that the hopes and courage of these girls will lead to the pride and hope of those who are in difficult situations around the world and those who always wish for world peace.


Questions regarding the project and media inquiries are handled at this address.

Daiichi Nakagawa Bldg. 2F, 1-1-25 Chiyoda, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi, 460-0012
VEDUTA COLLECTION / Dento LIVE / Virtual Enryakuji Temple (Hieizan) Information Desk