ENTRY No.155Kiyomi Menjo
C block Ranking No.8
1995.01.07 164cm / 53.0kg LOCATION:Kyoto BIRTH PLACE:Russia
My name is Vlada, I'm 27 years old. I was born in the Far East of Russia. I’m a qualified make-up artist. Now I’m Japanese student in Kyoto. My hobby is dancing. Favorite styles are jazz funk and hip-hop. The main reason for moving to Japan is to try to live here. Because Japan is an incredible country with a stunning culture. I like to use Japanese elements or philosophy in my work. One of my favorite projects was “Kintsugi”. The concept of this work tells us about how we treat broken and old things. The message is that we should not put them away, but rather work on those and repair. The broken things will breath in a new life and have a fresh start.
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