ENTRY No.314

Haruki Furukawa

ENTRY No.314 Haruki FurukawaENTRY No.314 Haruki Furukawa
ENTRY No.314

Haruki Furukawa

1997.08.08 188cm / 88.0kg LOCATION:Aichi BIRTH PLACE:Aichi, Japan

This time, I applied to be a fashion model for the VEDUTA COLLECTION Hieizan Enryakuji Temple. I still see people being bullied just because their skin color is different, or being discriminated against just because they are different from other people. I myself run a tanning salon, and in order to liven up the beauty industry in the future, I want to create a world where everyone respects clothes, hairstyles, and skin colors. Wearing the armor designed by Jin watanabe, we will deliver the best scenery to everyone.



Questions regarding the project and media inquiries are handled at this address.

Daiichi Nakagawa Bldg. 2F, 1-1-25 Chiyoda, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi, 460-0012
VEDUTA COLLECTION / Dento LIVE / Virtual Enryakuji Temple (Hieizan) Information Desk